Azure E2E tests

Azure E2E tests guidance.


Here provides some E2E tests only specific to Azure provider.


Deploy a Kubernetes cluster with Azure CCM

Refer step 1-3 in e2e-tests for deploying the Kubernetes cluster.

Setup Azure credentials

export AZURE_TENANT_ID=<tenant-id>                    # the tenant ID
export AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=<subscription-id>        # the subscription ID
export AZURE_CLIENT_ID=<service-principal-id>         # the service principal ID
export AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET=<service-principal-secret> # the service principal secret
export AZURE_ENVIRONMENT=<AzurePublicCloud>           # the cloud environment (optional, default is AzurePublicCloud)
export AZURE_LOCATION=<location>                      # the location
export AZURE_LOADBALANCER_SKU=<loadbalancer-sku>      # the sku of load balancer (optional, default is basic)


  • Locate your kubeconfig and set it as env variable export KUBECONFIG=<kubeconfig> or cp <kubeconfig> ~/.kube/config

  • Test it via kubectl version

Run tests

  • Run default tests

    The following command ensures gingko v2 is installed and then runs default tests.

    make test-ccm-e2e

  • Run specific tests

    go test -v ./tests/e2e/ -timeout 0 -ginkgo.focus <focus-keyword> --ginkgo.skip <skip-keyword>

After a long time test, a JUnit report will be generated in a directory named by the cluster name

Last modified June 16, 2023: init documentation branch (6258fe0f8)